
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring

Out-of-plane monotonic testing and fragility function development of screw and adhesive connections of steel-framed gypsum-board panels
Engineering Structures, 327, 119634

Analysis of fuel storage tanks under internal deflagrations with different venting technologies: an experimental and numerical study
Engineering Failure Analysis 167(A), 108948

Tensile strength and slip model for steel reinforcement anchorages and lap splices
Structures 66, 106808

Experimental assessment of modal properties of hybrid CFRP-timber panels
Construction and Building Materials, 438, 137075

Effect of bidirectional hysteretic dampers on the seismic performance of skewed multi-span highway bridges
Buildings 2024, 14, 1778

Estimation of empirical response spectrum and local responses of the Justicia Espada Acuña Mena building using the mod-x(var) method for the 2010 Central Chilean mega-earthquake (Mw=8.8)
Journal of Building Engineering, 92, 109599

Seismic fragility analysis of simply supported bridges considering uncertainty in scour condition
Structures, 64, 106570

Soil amplification in the Santiago city, Chile, due to shallow crustal earthquakes
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 181, 108633

Autonomous sensor system for low-capacity wind turbine blade vibration measurement
Sensors 2024, 24(6), 1733

Effects of soil spatial variability on the seismic response of multi‑span simply‑supported highway bridges
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 22, 2643–2675

Evolution of modal parameters of composite wind turbine blades under short‑ and long‑term forced vibration tests
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, In Press

A simplified tri-linear model for monolithic exterior shear keys failing in sliding shear
Structures, 61, 105934

Probabilistic seismic assessment of multispan RC highway bridges considering soil-structure interaction and chloride-induced corrosion
Engineering Structures, 301, 117257

Data-driven analysis of crustal and subduction seismic environments using interpretation of deep learning-based generalized ground motion models
Expert Systems with Applications Volume 238 (Part A), 121731

Bayesian model updating implementation in a five-story building
Buildings, 13(6), 1568

Test Data-Informed Nonlinear Finite Element Model Updating and Damage Inference of a Shake-table Tested Bridge Column considering Bond-slip under Multiple Earthquakes
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 27(7), 1875-1899

Uncertainty Quantification in Constitutive Models of Highway Bridge Components: Seismic Bars and Elastomeric Bearings
Materials, 16(5), 1792

Two-dimensional simulation of the seismic response of the Santiago Basin, Chile
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 164, 107569

Modeling the loss of vibration energy in buildings to elastic-waves using high-fidelity fe modeling and absorbent exterior boundaries
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 26(13), 6567-6584

Adobe mixtures reinforced with fibrillated polypropylene fibers: physical/mechanical/fracture/durability performance and its limits due to fiber clustering
Construction and Building Materials, 343, 128102

Soil-basement interaction effects on the seismic response of tall buildings with basement levels
Engineering Structures, 263, 114406

Probabilistic characterization of a high-cycle accumulation model for sands
Computers and Geotechnics, 147, July, 104798

Statistical analysis of the modal properties of a seismically-damaged five-story RC building identified using ambient vibration data
Journal of Building Engineering, 52, 104411

A Bayesian approach for fatigue damage diagnosis and prognosis of wind turbine blades
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 174, 109067

A experimental study of a cable-pulleys spring-damper energy dissipation system for buildings
Journal of Building Engineering, 51, 104034

A Lifecyle assessment of a low-energy mass-timber building and mainstream concrete alternative in Central Chile
Sustainability, 14(3), 1249

Bayesian updating and identifiability assessment of nonlinear finite element models
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing., 167 Part A, 108517

Seismic fragility assessment of Chilean skewed highway bridges
Engineering Structures, 249, 113300

Time variant system identification of superstructures of base-isolated buildings
Engineering Structures, 246, 112697

Bayesian inference for calibration and validation of uniaxial reinforcing steel models
Engineering Structures, 243, 112386

Seismic response analysis and modal identification of a full-scale five-story base-isolated building tested on the NEES@UCSD shake table
Engineering Structures, 238, 112087

Bayesian parameter and joint probability distribution estimation for a hysteretic constitutive model of reinforcing steel
Structural Safety, 90, 102062

Real-time thermal dynamic analysis of a house using RC models and joint state-parameter estimation
Building and Environment, 188, 107184

Parameter estimation of resistor-capacitor models for building thermal dynamics using the unscented Kalman filter
Journal of Building Engineering, 34, 101639

Byopolymer-waste fiber reinforcement for earthen materials: capillarity, mechanical, impact and abrasion performance
Polymers, 12(8), 1819

Adaptive Kalman filters for nonlinear finite element model updating
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 143, 10683.

Auto-regressive model based input and parameter estimation for nonlinear finite element models
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 143, 106779.

Shear bond behaviour of elemental composite beams with different configurations
Engineering Structures, 201, 109742, 1–9.

Bayesian updating of complex nonlinear FE models with high-dimensional parameter space using heterogeneous measurements and a batch-recursive approach
Engineering Structures, 201, 109724, 1–21.

Uncertainty quantification and propagation in the modeling of liquefiable sands
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 123, 217-229.

Information-theoretic approach for identifiability assessment of nonlinear structural finite element models
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 145(7), 04019039.

Effects of model uncertainty in nonlinear structural finite element model updating by numerical simulation of building structures
Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 26(3), e2297.

Performance comparison of Kalman−based filters for nonlinear structural finite element model updating
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 438, 520-542.

A dual adaptive filtering approach for nonlinear finite element model updating accounting for modeling uncertainty
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 115, 782–800.

Bayesian optimal estimation for output-only nonlinear system and damage identification of civil structures
Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 25(4), e2128.

Time-variant modal parameters and response behavior of a base-isolated building tested on a shake table
Earthquake Spectra, 34(1), 121-143.

Pre-test nonlinear finite element simulation of a full scale five-story reinforced concrete building tested on the NEES-UCSD shake table
ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(3), 04018009.

Nonlinear FE model updating of seismic isolated bridge instrumented during the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule-Chile Earthquake
Procedia Engineering, 199, 3003–3008.

A nonlinear model inversion method for joint system parameter, noise, and input identification of civil structures
Procedia Engineering, 199, 924–929.

Nonlinear FE model updating and reconstruction of the response of an instrumented seismic isolated bridge to the 2010 Maule Chile earthquake
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 46(15), 2699–2716.

Predominant period and equivalent viscous damping ratio identification on a full-scale building shake table test
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 46(14), 2459–2477.

Site response analysis using one-dimensional equivalent-linear method and Bayesian filtering
Computers and Geotechnics, 89, 43–54.

Shake table testing of an elevator system in a full-scale five-story building
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 46(3), 391–407.

Bayesian nonlinear structural FE model and seismic input identification for damage assessment of civil structures
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 93, 661–687.

Nonlinear finite element model updating for damage identification of civil structures using batch Bayesian estimation
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 84 Part B (Special issue on Recent Advances in Nonlinear System Identification), 194–222.

Finite element model updating using simulated annealing hybridized with unscented Kalman filter
Computers & Structures, 177, 176–191.

Landmark dataset from the building nonstructural components and systems (BNCS) project
Earthquake Spectra, 32(2), 1239–1260.

Full-scale structural and nonstructural building system performance during earthquakes: Part II – NCS damage states
Earthquake Spectra, 32(2), 771–794.

Full-scale structural and nonstructural building system performance during earthquakes: Part I – Specimen description, test protocol, and structural response
Earthquake Spectra, 32(2), 737–770.

Influence of the construction process and nonstructural components on the modal properties of a five-story building
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 45(7), 1063–1084.

System identification of a full-scale five-story reinforced concrete building tested on the NEES-UCSD shake table
Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 23(3), 535–559.

Dynamic characteristics and seismic behavior of prefabricated steel stairs in a full-scale five-story building shake table test program
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 44(14), 2507–2527.

Extended Kalman filter for material parameter estimation in nonlinear structural finite element models using direct differentiation method
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 44(10), 1495–1522.

Material parameter identification in distributed plasticity FE models of frame-type structures using nonlinear stochastic filtering
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 141(5), 04014149.

Experimental evaluation of the seismic response of a roof-top mounted cooling tower
Earthquake Spectra, 31(3), 1567–1589.

Damage assessment and seismic intensity analysis of the 2010 (Mw 8.8) Maule Earthquake.
Earthquake Spectra, 28(S1), S145–S164.
Conference Proceedings

Bayesian nonlinear finite element model updating of a full-scale bridge-column using sequential Monte Carlo

Adaptive unscented Kalman filter for nonlinear model updating and estimation of modeling errors
Proc. 38th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXVIII), Houston, TX.

Output-only nonlinear finite element model updating using autoregressive process
Proc. 38th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXVIII), Houston, TX.

Calibration of finite element models using Bayesian inference methods
Proc. 18th Chilean Conference on Computational Mechanics (JMC 2019)

Experimental system and damage identification of small-scale wind turbine blades
Proc. 8th International Conference Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES2019), Nanjing, China.

On the performance of unscented Kalman filters in parameter estimation of nonlinear finite element models
Proc. 8th International Conference Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES2019), Nanjing, China.

Vibration-based damage identification of wind turbine blades
Proc. Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) 2019, Cork, Ireland.

Damage diagnosis and prognosis of wind turbine blades using Bayesian filtering
Proc. Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) 2019, Cork, Ireland.

Dynamic characterization of a full-scale 5-story R/C seismically damaged building specimen
Proc. 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (12CCEE), Quebec City.

Nonlinear finite element model updating of partially identifiable models using Bayesian filtering
Proc. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2019, California Institute of Technology, CA.

Adaptive UKF for nonlinear model calibration
Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2019, California Institute of Technology, CA.

Dynamic response of the Santiago basin: Numerical modeling of a unidimensional and bi-dimensional geotechnical profile
XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Valdivia, Chile.

System identification of the superstructure of base isolated buildings using a sub-structuring approach
XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Valdivia, Chile.

Reasons for building collapses during the Puebla-Morelos (Mw 7.1) Earthquake
XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Valdivia, Chile.

Effect of the pseudo-static component on structures under multiple support seismic excitation
XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Valdivia, Chile.

Geotechnical aspects of the 2017 Mw 7.1 Puebla-Morelos Earthquake
XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Valdivia, Chile.

Nonlinear finite element model of the Marga-Marga bridge and its calibration using data recorded during the Maule 2010 earthquake
XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Valdivia, Chile.

Intensity attenuation curves for Chile considering earthquakes from 1906 to 2016
XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Valdivia, Chile.

Dynamic characterization of a full-scale 5-story R/C seismically damaged building specimen
XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Valdivia, Chile.

Dealing with modeling errors in nonlinear mechanics-based finite element model updating
XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Valdivia, Chile.

Damage identification in civil structures by using nonlinear finite element models and Bayesian methods
XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Valdivia, Chile.

Dynamic properties of a full-scale 5-story base-isolated R/C building tested on a shake table
XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Valdivia, Chile.

Shake table tests of a full-scale five-story building
XII Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Valdivia, Chile.

Calibration of a large nonlinear finite element model of a highway bridge with many uncertain parameters
Proc. 37th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXVII), Orlando, FL.

Finite element model updating accounting for modeling uncertainty
Proc. 37th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXVII), Orlando, FL.

Non-unique solution in material parameter identification of nonlinear FE models governed by multiaxial material constitutive law
Proc. 37th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXVII), Orlando, FL.

System identification of a five-story building using seismic strong-motion data
Proc. 37th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXVII), Orlando, FL.

Time evolution of the modal parameters of a five-story building using strong motion data
Proc. 11th U.S. National Conference in Earthquake Engineering (11NCEE), Los Angeles, CA.

Uncertainty quantification of soil dynamics properties via Bayesian model updating
Proc. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2018, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA.

Nonlinear FE model updating of seismic isolated bridge instrumented during the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule-Chile Earthquake
Proc. 10th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2017), Rome, Italy.

A nonlinear model inversion method for joint system parameter, noise, and input identification of civil structures
Proc. 10th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2017), Rome, Italy.

Nonlinear finite element model parameter estimation including modeling errors
Proc. 7th International Conference Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES2017), San Diego, CA.

System identification of a base-isolated building using seismic data
Proc. 7th International Conference Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES2017), San Diego, CA.

Nonlinear finite element model updating and damage identification of civil structures using Bayesian methods
Proc. 35th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXV), Garden Grove, CA. (Invited Tutorial Session)

Bayesian inference method for blind nonlinear system and damage identification of civil structures
Proc. 35th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXV), Garden Grove, CA.

Investigation of seismic isolation for California high-speed rail prototype bridge in the context of probabilistic performance-based optimum seismic design
Proc. 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile.

Seismic structural health monitoring using Bayesian methods and nonlinear structural finite element models
Proc. 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile.

Identifiability assessment of nonlinear structural system identification problems
Proc. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Vanderbilt University, TN.

Nonlinear finite element model updating and seismic response reconstruction of Marga-Marga Bridge during the Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake
Proc. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Vanderbilt University, CA.

Bayesian methods for nonlinear finite element model updating and damage identification of civil structures
Proc. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Vanderbilt University, TN, May 22-25, 2016. Keynote in mini-symposium EMI-MS-01: Structural Identification and Damage Detection.

Bayesian methods for nonlinear system identification of civil structures
Proc. 6th International Conference Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES’15), Dübendorf, Switzerland.

Material parameter estimation in distributed plasticity FE models using the unscented Kalman filter
Proc. 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12, Vancouver, Canada.

Blind identification of nonlinear civil structures using sparse seismic response data
Proc. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Stanford University, CA.

Nonlinear structural finite element model updating and uncertainty quantification
Proc. SPIE conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Inspection of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, and Civil Infrastructure IX, San Diego, CA.

Output-only identification of civil structures using nonlinear finite element model updating
Proc. SPIE conference on Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems IX, San Diego, CA.

Stochastic filtering for damage identification through nonlinear structural finite element model updating
Proc. SPIE conference on Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, San Diego, CA.

Nonlinear structural finite element model updating using stochastic filtering
Proc. 33st International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXIII), Orlando, FL.

Nonlinear structural finite element model updating using batch Bayesian estimation
Proc. 33st International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXIII), Orlando, FL.

Seismic demands on acceleration-sensitive nonstructural components using recorded building response data – Case study
Proc. 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering (10NCEE), Anchorage, AK.

System identification of a full-scale five-story reinforced concrete building tested on the NEES-UCSD shake table
Proc. 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2014), Porto, Portugal.

Experimental validation of dynamic nonlinear FE model of full-scale five-story reinforced concrete building
Proc. 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2014), Porto, Portugal.

System identification of a 5-story RC building during construction
Proc. 5th International Conference Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES’13), Ouro Preto, Brazil.

Modal identification of a full-scale 5-story reinforced concrete building tested on the NEES-UCSD shake table
Proc. 5th International Conference Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES’13), Ouro Preto, Brazil.

Experimental evaluation of the seismic performance of egress systems in a full-scale five-story building
Proc. Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD 2013), Vienna, Austria.

Seismic performance of a full-scale five-story building shake table tested in a base-isolated and fixed-base configuration
Proc. Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD 2013), Vienna, Austria

Statistical analysis of the identified modal properties of a 5-story RC seismically damaged building specimen
Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR'13), New York, NY.

Shake table testing of a full-scale five-story building: System identification of the five-story test structure
2013 Structures Congress, Pittsburgh, PA.

Shake table testing of a full-scale five-story building: Pre-test simulation of the test building and development of the nonstructural components and systems design criteria
2013 Structures Congress, Pittsburgh, PA.

Evolution of dynamic properties of a 5-story RC building during construction
Proc. 31st International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXI), Garden Grove, CA.

Modal identification of 5-story RC building tested on NEES-UCSD shake table
Proc. 31st International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXI), Garden Grove, CA.

Pre-test nonlinear FE modeling of full-scale five-story reinforced concrete building
Proc. 31st International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXXI), Garden Grove, CA.

Dynamic characteristics of a 5-story reinforced concrete building tested on the NEES-UCSD shake table
7th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST2012), Bangalore, India.

Shake table response of a fully furnished full-scale five story building
NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Quake Summit 2012, Boston, MA.

Using DIANA for nonlinear modeling and analysis of a full-scale R/C building specimen tested on the UCSD shake table
TNO DIANA US Seminar: Numerical Analysis in Earthquake Engineering, Berkeley, CA.

Effect of irregular topography on seismic amplification: case of Tarzana hill
X Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile.

Intensities and damages generated by 2007 Tocopilla Earthquake
X Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile.

Estimation of peak floor horizontal accelerations induced by earthquakes
X Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile.

Effect of low frequency waves in seismic response of buildings
X Chilean Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile.

Seismic acceleration demands on rigid nonstructural components
Proc. of the IX Venezuelan Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Caracas, Venezuela.

Seismic response of the Tazana hill by strong motion analysis
Proc. of the IV Colombian Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Pereira, Colombia.

Intensities and damage caused by major earthquakes in Chile
International Symposium: The Geophysics and its Contribution in Natural Disaster Reduction, Arequipa, Peru.

Damage, vulnerability and intensities generated by the November 14, 2007, Tocopilla Earthquake
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Joint Assembly, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Wave dynamic analysis of the seismic response of a reinforced concrete building
Seismic Engineering International Conference commemorating the 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria Earthquake, Reggio Calabria, Italy

Comparison of the damages produced by Chilean earthquakes with different seismogenic sources
Proc. of the 33rd Sud-American Conference in Structural Engineering, Santiago, Chile.

Determination of acceleration floor response spectrum by wave propagation approach
Proc. of the 33rd Sud-American Conference in Structural Engineering, Santiago, Chile.

Seismic response of a reinforced concrete frame building – A dynamic wave propagation approach
Proc. of the 33rd Sud-American Conference in Structural Engineering, Santiago, Chile.

Seismic waves amplification in regions with irregular topography
Proc. of the 6th Chilean Conference on Computational Mechanics, Santiago, Chile.

Reinterpretation of the intensity data for 1906 Valparaíso earthquake
International Conference Montessus de Ballore 1906 Valparaíso Earthquake Centennial, Santiago, Chile.
Book Chapters

Non-unique estimates in material parameter identification of nonlinear FE models governed by multiaxial material models using unscented Kalman filtering
Chapter 29 in Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 3, Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-12075-7)

Finite element model updating accounting for modeling uncertainty
Chapter 24 in Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 3, Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-12075-7)

Calibration of a large nonlinear finite element model of a highway bridge with many uncertain parameters
Chapter 20 in Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 3, Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-12075-7).

System identification of a five-story building using seismic strong-motion data
Chapter 24 in Dynamics of Civil Structures, Vol. 2, Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-12115-0)

Batch and Recursive Bayesian Estimation Methods for Nonlinear Structural System Identification
Chapter 15 in Risk and Reliability Analysis: Theory and Applications, In Honor of Prof. Armen Der Kiureghian, 341–364, Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-52425-2)

Nonlinear structural finite element model updating using stochastic filtering
Chapter 7 in Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 3, Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-15223-3)

Nonlinear structural finite element model updating using batch Bayesian estimation
Chapter 4 in Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 3, Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-15223-3)

Statistical analysis of the identified modal properties of a 5-story RC seismically damaged building specimen
In Safety, Reliability, Risk and Life-cycle Performance of Structures and Infrastructures, CRC Press Taylor & Francis (ISBN 978-1-1380-0086-5)

Pre-test nonlinear FE modeling of full-scale five-story reinforced concrete building
Chapter 54 in Topics in Dynamics of Civil Structures, Springer (ISBN 978-1-4614-6555-3)

Evolution of dynamic properties of a 5-story RC building during construction
Chapter 19 in Topics in Dynamics of Civil Structures, Springer (ISBN 978-1-4614-6555-3)

Modal identification of 5-story RC building tested on NEES-UCSD shake table
Chapter 13 in Topics in Dynamics of Civil Structures, Springer (ISBN 978-1-4614-6555-3)

Seismic intensities
Chapter 5 in Mw=8.8 Chilean Earthquake, February 27 2010 (ISBN: 978-9-5635-1152-9)

Experimental Vibration Analysis of Civil Structures
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Volume 224, Springer, Cham (ISBN 978-3-030-93236-7)

Guidelines for nonlinear seismic analysis of Chilean bridges

Experimental Vibration Analysis of Civil Structures: Testing, Sensing, Monitoring, and Control
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Volume 5, Springer, Cham, Switzerland (ISBN 978-3-319-67442-1)

Seismic response of buildings using dynamic wave propagation
Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken-Germany (ISBN: 978-3-8484-7796-8) (in Spanish)